All construction projects and programs face uncertainty that can impact a team negatively or positively. These Risk Management Guidelines offer practical guidance for the construction manager to manage this uncertainty proactively. This publication describes some standard techniques for continuous risk management in design and construction, including identifying, analyzing, responding to, and monitoring risk from project/program conception to post-occupancy.
Topics include:
- Opportunities vs. threats;
- Risk management plans;
- Scaling risk management processes;
- The construction manager's role;
- Risk breakdown structures;
- Risk registers;
- Risk identification, analysis, response, and monitoring;
- Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis;
- Monte Carlo analysis;
- Internal vs. external risk;
- Risk specialists;
- Risks vs. issues;
- Response plans;
- Change impacts; and
- Final reports.
This book supplements the risk management chapter in the CMAA Construction Management Standards of Practice.
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