Spearin Doctrine at 100: Everything Old is New Again


Exactly 100 years ago, the landmark Spearin case instructed owners, designers, CMs, and contractors as to the Owner’s warranty and responsibility for the accuracy of the design. Since that time, the “Spearin Doctrine” has guided the resolution of disputes caused by potential design errors and omissions. With the advent of new project delivery models including Design-Build, the responsibility for design has shifted. Does Spearin still apply? This session discusses trends and cases that address the changing roles and obligations. Every CM must know who is ultimately responsible for the final design!

To successfully complete this course and receive your continuing education certificate, you must watch the video and complete the post-test with a score of 70% or higher.

Duration: 1 hour | PDHs: 1 | Subscription: 90 days

Presented by: Joseph Seibold, PE, FCMAA, Jessica Mead, Esq., Brian Stewart, Esq.
