Building Stronger Teams Through Gender Diversity

Building Stronger Teams

The construction industry has experienced continued growth since 2010 and with that it is experiencing an increasing labor shortage. While the number of women in construction management has grown over the last 15 years, women are still just 8% of the workforce. Presenters will walk through current numbers, where women fall off, and how the industry can tap into this resource and build stronger project teams. Presenters will provide project examples of unintended biases in the industry, as well as recruiting and outreach efforts. Discussion will show that companies should be making concentrated efforts to attract and retain females through supportive work environments, policy changes, and training. Research-based skills analysis and steps to increase inclusion will be shared, as will successes from diverse teams that overcame adversity.

To successfully complete this course and receive your continuing education certificate, you must watch the video and complete the post-test with a score of 70% or higher.

Duration: 1 hour | PDHs: 1 | Subscription: 90 days

Presented by: Christine Goins and Michelle Roberts
