CMAA Focus24...
Reliable. Effective. Accountable. Leadership.
Delivering the Future of the Profession.
We thank you for attending CMAA Focus24, an in-person, interactive experience March 10 - 12, 2024, in Philadelphia, Pa.
CMAA Focus24 provided attendees with valuable insights to leverage leadership skills, technological innovations, and digital tools, trends, and resiliency best practices that pave the way for innovative and successful project/program execution.
The goal of CMAA Focus24 was to provide PMs/CMs with the knowledge and skills they need to assume greater responsibility on jobsites, within their project and program teams, and among the profession.
If you weren't able to attend, but would like to see what it was all about, check our online photo album here.
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
1200 Filbert Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
United States